young boy holding a green and purple basketball

Earn Double E-tickets on Every Game play this week!

Win Double E-tickets! Get MORE prizes! Redeem the coupon below to power up your play card to get DOUBLE E-tickets on every game play. That’s DOUBLE the E-tickets to redeem at the prize counter. MORE PRIZES, MORE FUN!

Receive double tickets when you play ticket dispensing games at participating Chuck E. Cheese locations (“Offer”) from May 9, 2022 through May 15, 2022 (“Offer Period”). Offer is only available at participating locations. The total number of tickets awarded per game play is based on game play results. The maximum number of e-tickets, including tickets awarded pursuant to the Offer, you may receive per game play as a product of this Offer is 1,000.  For example, if your game play results in 500 tickets you will receive another 500 tickets during the Offer Period.  Offer is not valid on, and does not apply to, e-Ticket balances earned and unredeemed prior to the Offer Period. Unredeemed e-tickets earned during the Offer Period do not expire. Offer is not valid on Birthday Party bonus e-tickets or with any other offer. Cost of activating of Play Pass card or band is not included in this Offer. See for details. ©2022 CEC Entertainment Concepts, L.P.